

Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

{View of Picasso from memory Christian Zervos (in heel writing), he obtained it when he did conversation on winter with that artist of kubisme. And then it was included into magazine “Cahiers d’ Art” in the year 1935. And I got it from the book entitling The Creative Process, which was compiled by Brewster Ghiselin}.
Insinuation from someone expressing, that there is no riskier one than the nesting of war material on-the hand of all generals, and we can alter it in compatible meaning also appropriated to all actor. In the same meaning, there are no riskier than justice on-hand of all judges and paintbrushes to portray on-hand of painter! Just imagine its danger to society.



I dedicate to Rabindranath Tagore, great grand mother Kasipah and land of Java
Written by Nurel Javissyarqi
Translated by Agus B. Harianto

In his age which to 69 Bagus Burhan (first name R. Ng. Ronggowarsito, 1802-1873), India poet of Rabindranath Tagore was born to the world. Precisely in Joransko, heart town of Kalkutta on May 6, 1861. As fourteenth son of fifteen brothers, by couple of Maharishi Debendranath Tagore and Sarada Devi. Or 6 years after pass away of Pangeran Diponegoro ( 1785-1855). The great grandfather of Rabindranath Tagore was activator of India Renaissance, with his name was Rommohan Roy.


A. Qorib Hidayatullah A. Syauqi Sumbawi Adzka Haniina Al Barri Agama Para Bajingan Aguk Irawan MN Agus B. Harianto Akhmad Taufiq Ali Topan Diantoko Asap Studio Asarpin Awalludin GD Mualif Balada-balada Takdir Terlalu Dini Ballads of Too Early Destiny Berita Berita Utama Catatan Catatan KPM Chamim Kohari Chicilia Risca Christian Zervos Dami N. Toda Darju Prasetya Dedy Tri Riyadi Denny Mizhar Dimas Arika Mihardja Dwi Cipta Dwi Pranoto Eka Budianta Esai Evan Ys Fahrudin Nasrulloh Fanani Rahman Fatah Anshori Fikri MS Gema Erika Nugroho Hadi Napster Hasnan Bachtiar Heri Listianto Herry Lamongan Hudan Hidayat Ignas Kleden Imam Nawawi Imamuddin SA Imron Tohari Inspiring Writer Inung AS Iskandar Noe Karya Lukisan: Andry Deblenk Kitab Para Malaikat Komunitas Deo Gratias Kritik Sastra Laksmi Shitaresmi Liza Wahyuninto Lukisan M.D. Atmaja Mahmud Jauhari Ali Maman S. Mahayana Marhalim Zaini Media: Crayon on Paper Membongkar Mitos Kesusastraan Indonesia Menggugat Tanggung Jawab Kepenyairan Sutardji Calzoum Bachri Mh Zaelani Tammaka Mofik el-abrar Muhammad Rain Muhammad Yasir Noor H. Dee Noval Jubbek Nurel Javissyarqi PDS H.B. Jassin Pengantar antologi puisi tunggal “Sarang Ruh” Pengantar KPM Picasso Potret Sang Pengelana (Nurel Javissyarqi) Puisi Rabindranath Tagore Rakai Lukman Raudal Tanjung Banua Rengga AP Resensi Robin Al Kautsar Sabrank Suparno Sajak Sampul Buku Saut Situmorang SelaSastra Boenga Ketjil Self Portrait Self Portrait Nurel Javissyarqi by Wawan Pinhole Sergi Sutanto Shiny.ane el’poesya Sigit Susanto Sihar Ramses Simatupang Siwi Dwi Saputro Sofyan RH. Zaid Sony Prasetyotomo Sunu Wasono Surat Suryanto Sastroatmodjo Sutardji Calzoum Bachri Sutejo Tarmuzie Taufiq Wr. Hidayat Temu Penyair Timur Jawa Tengsoe Tjahjono Tosa Poetra Trilogi Kesadaran Universitas Jember Wawan Eko Yulianto Wawan Pinhole Yona Primadesi Yuval Noah Harari